Slides for class on language documentation
My slides from my recent class on language documentation are now available.
My slides from my recent class on language documentation are now available.
Lab member Amalia Skilton will be presenting the results of her senior thesis work this Thursday, March 29. Flyer is attached.
Bowern and Atkinson (2012): Computational phylogenetics a
I have a new paper out on Tasmanian languages, published by the Transactions of the Royal Society.
We have several students graduating from the department (and the lab) this year.
Emily Gasser has been awarded a Dissertation Research Improvement Grant from the NSF and a East Asia & Pacific Summer Institutes fellowship from the NSF and the Royal Society of New
I’ve put up the first two videos in a series of short “how-tos” for language documentation.
<p><span>I am pleased to announce that </span><a href="" targe
I’ll be preparing a new edition of my fieldwork book over the next year or so.
I recently prepared this plain language version of Yale's video release form.