§8.2: Lexicon development
- SIL Dictionary Development Tool
- ESL/EFL Basic Vocabulary lists
- Lexicography and Australian languages
- Semantic fields
- Place names: If you have a fast internet connection in the field, you might be able to use Google Earth for site mapping.
- A useful list of genealogical software used by anthropologists (another general list can be found here)
§8.2: Further reading
- Dynamics of Folklore (Barre Toelken)
- Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography (Sidney Landau)
- Making Dictionaries (William Frawley, Kenneth Hill, Pamela Munro)
- A Practical Guide to Lexicography (Van Sterkenburg)
- Ethnobotany: A Methods Manual (Gary Martin)
- Ethnobotany: Principles and Applications (C. M. Cotton)