§10.2.3: Languages and linguists: Here are some suggestions for finding data sources:
- Language Documentation Search (E-MELD)
- Who’s working on your language? (E-MELD)
- (see also the list on the links page)
- Your campus’ international office might be willing to post an ad.
- People have met speakers of languages they were researching on MySpace and Facebook.
§10.2.4: When to travel: Wunderground has global weather statistics.
§10.6.3: Health: Eva Lindstrøm’s page has much useful information about travel to Papua New Guinea (much more generally applicable)
Travel advice:
- Tropical disease links from the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
§10.6.4: Fear and culture shock: Peace Corps’ culture shock links.
§10.8: Further reading
- Where there is no Doctor (David Werner)
- Saving Languages (Lenore Grenoble and Lindsay Whaley)
- When Languages Die (David Harrison)
- Encyclopaedia of the World’s Endangered Languages (Chris Moseley)
- Spoken Here: Travels Among Threatened Languages (Mark Abley)
- Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World’s Languages (Daniel Nettle and Sizanne Romaine)
- Language Endangerment and Language Revitalisation (Tasaku Tsunoda)
- Writing Culture (James Clifford and George Marcus)